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December 4th, 2021: Personal Website

Written using HTML and CSS, writting this personal website taught me basics of front end web development. I have to say that there are some interesting quirks, like dimensioning the site to fit different screens and fading different images that were tricky. Overall, it was a fun and rewarding experience to be able to make something of my own! I hope to keep it updated with my personal projects.

GitHub Link

November 24th, 2021: Arduino Wave Bot

Perry, the Arduino wave-bot, was created out of a 3am-inpired thought to give my housemates a replacement for when I leave the house. The bot simply keeps waving until it detects an object 100cm away from it (changed it to 10cm for sanity reasons later).

GitHub Link

May 31st, 2021: Finalist - Sandia Engineering Design Award Competition

Made it to finals with the OneLoop team as Project Manager! Judged by engineers at the Sandia National Laboratories, 170 student team designs were evaluated on content, delivery, and collaboration. Our team showcased our Hyperloop Pod which is propelled by 2 combustion-free LIMs, controlled by an IPC, hosts a dual tolerant pnuematic braking system and is held together by a lightweight carbon fiber chassis. The pod can travel up to 288 mph in a vacuum environment. Very proud of the entire team for working so hard despite COVID.


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May 15th, 2021: Arduino Acclimate - Automated Keyhole Turner

As part of the Arduino Acclimate competition, our group desgined and prototyped a mechanism to help people with Arthritis. This device allows patients to slide a key into a magnetic holder and automatically twists it into the keyhole using pressure sensors. A device like this can be used for cars, house doors, safes, and any other object that requires a key. Our group recieved most creative solution and best aesthetics

YouTube Link